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radio beam造句

"radio beam"是什么意思  
  • Like the searchlight beam, the radio beam cannot be made very sharp; it tends to spread .
  • Ironically, the detailed reasons as to how the radio beam is produced may not be important astronomically .
  • Western union installs the first commercial radio beam system
  • Coded radio beam
  • Instead of generating a radio beam , the array creates a “ personal cell ” that can be only centimeters in radius
  • Notice that in both these examples the radio beam generated for one cell - phone user does not reach the other
  • An antenna array that is truly smart would be able to aim a radio beam directly at a mobile user instead of choosing a beam that comes relatively close
  • And when the array transmits back to the cell - phone user , the processor sends an out - of - phase signal to one of the antennas , generating a radio beam that runs from north to south
  • Because the processor is fast enough to perform this task many times a second , the array can continually readjust the radio beam as the cell - phone user walks or drives across the array ' s coverage area
  • It's difficult to see radio beam in a sentence. 用radio beam造句挺难的
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